On foilboards with double rails, screwing the screws into the sliding blocks is sometimes an annoying and time-consuming fiddly job. This is especially true if the foil mast does not allow the screws to be simply inserted from the side, but instead they have to be inserted from above and screwed into the slot nuts, which are then concealed. This is where the slot nut placeholders from inventor Ekkehard Wurl come in.
Foil assembly, made easy
The brightly coloured parts from the 3D printer are flexible, the sliding blocks are clamped into the gaps provided and inserted together with the placeholder. In this way, the usual screw spacing of 165 millimetres for foils is preset. If you now put the foil mast in place and screw in a screw at the front, the rear hole will automatically be hit later without any fiddling.
And the parts have another advantage: If you forget the sliding blocks in the board, you won't lose them. This applies at least to boards where the opening for the sliding blocks is in the centre of the box. If the sliding blocks are inserted at the beginning or end of the box, losing them is unlikely but theoretically possible, so you should prevent this by turning the screws in slightly.
In our eyes, the placeholders are a good way to make life easier when assembling foils. They are available directly from the inventor Ekkehard Wurl for a fair €15. If someone uses foils with a different hole spacing, the placeholders are also available with 160 and 175 millimetre spacing HERE or by mail at ew@wurl.de to order.