Freestyle sail 2023RRD Style Pro 4.8 in the test

Surf Testteam

 · 27.07.2023

RRD Style Pro 4.8 in the surf test
Photo: Manuel Vogel
When trimming the RRD Style Pro, you should be particularly careful with the trim sheet, as the sail has a fairly flat profile.

If you pull too hard at the boom end, you will quickly kill the sail's performance. Even with only a slight pull on the boom, the freestyle sail from RRD is not one of the more powerful representatives: it needs to be adjusted sensitively when planing, and a little more wind is always required for it to charge properly. At the other end of the scale, however, it ignores strong gusts with stoic composure. Overall, the Style Pro is wonderfully light and agile in the hand. Both in "normal" manoeuvres and during slid tricks, the sail rotates in fast motion and allows for power-free tricks. The ducking behaviour is also out of this world, because the flat profile can be positioned for power moves such as Kono or Burner without any disturbing life of its own, which really pushes the rate up. If you want to take off for power moves, you will get more lift from the sail than expected, even though there are much more powerful cloths available.

Surf summary of the RRD Style Pro 4.8

The wonderfully light and particularly flat RRD Style Pro has its strengths in duck manoeuvres and rotations. In light winds, the RRD model lacks a little speed.

Control, neutrality, handling

Light wind power



Technical data RRD Style Pro 4.8

  • Price: 905 Euro
  • Sail weight: 3.06 kg
  • Fork recess:103-156 cm
  • Mast used: RRD Dynamic Pro Comp 400 RDM Price: 669 Euro; Mast weight: 1.43 kg
  • Info under
Available sizes RRD Style ProPhoto: surfAvailable sizes RRD Style Pro

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