Chinook Pro-FlexArticulated base plate for Foil, WindSUP & more

Surf Testteam

 · 01.08.2024

The Chinook Pro-Flex articulated mast foot makes a very solid impression and facilitates the connection of board and rig on the water.
Photo: Stephan Gölnitz
If the base plate has a joint instead of a chord, the forces and tensions when connecting the board and rig are almost zero. This helps children and intermediates and protects inflatable WindSUPs. We have tried out the Chinook Pro Flex.

The predominantly used base plates with usually very stiff chords (light-coloured chords are often even stiffer than the black ones) guarantee what feels like direct contact with the board, but can also be very unruly - something that anyone who has ever tried to put board and rig back together on the water will know.

The Chinook articulated mast foot Pro-Flex therefore appears to be extremely practical for three applications in particular: for wide foil boards, if you only want to connect the board and rig in the water, for inflatable wind SUPs, because this reduces the leverage forces on the somewhat more sensitive board, and for children, who can connect and disconnect the board and rig much more easily themselves. The risk of the base plate accidentally springing back forcefully when bent is eliminated with the articulated model, which increases comfort for every windsurfer.

The pin can be tilted to the side and inserted into the mast without any force. Even when the board and rig are stored on the beach (photo below), there are no leverage forces on the base plate and the board, which should also extend the service life of the integrated string; this is not constantly bent even when surfing. The construction is extremely robust, the pin and upper section are made from a single (stainless steel) casting, and the joint shows no play and ensures a wobble-free, direct connection. The string (shorter than standard) can be easily replaced and costs 25 euros in specialised shops.

The base plate is available with a pin, as tested, and in other variants, for example with two screws in the mast track or with a US cup for the mast mount, and costs 119 euros.

Most read in category Windsurfing