Waveboard test 2017Quatro Super Mini 85

Waveboard test 2017: Quatro Super Mini 85Photo: Manuel Vogel
Waveboard test 2017: Quatro Super Mini 85
Here you will find all information about the equipment and technical data of the Quatro Super Mini 85
  [Board] Quatro Super Mini 85 : [Tester] Gereon Gollan : [Spot] HanstholmPhoto: Manuel Vogel [Board] Quatro Super Mini 85 : [Tester] Gereon Gollan : [Spot] Hanstholm

Price:2199 Euro

  Quatro Super Mini 85Photo: Manuel Vogel Quatro Super Mini 85

surf measurement: Weight: 6.32 kgLength: 216.5 cmWidth: 57.5 cmFinns:MFC TF 1 x 18.0 cm + 2 x 10 cm/US- + Minituttlebox/G10

Info:TPE Sport, Tel.: 0461/9789560, www.TPESport.de

  Quatro Super Mini 85 Quatro Super Mini 85  You can read this article or the entire issue of SURF 9/2016 in the SURF app (iTunes and Google Play) - the print edition is available here. You can read this article or the entire issue of SURF 9/2016 in the SURF app (iTunes and Google Play) - the print edition is available here.


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