SundialGarmin Instinct 2 Solar Surf

Stephan Gölnitz

 · 10.06.2022

Sundial: Garmin Instinct 2 Solar Surf
Photo: Manufacturer
The new Garmin Instinct 2 Solar Surf not only has most of the functions of the significantly more expensive top models, but also offers extra features.

The watch displays the tides and moon phase for your location or favourites and records wave rides with the surf app. Training recordings for SUP with speed, distance, heart rate and much more are of course on board. The integrated solar module also extends the very good runtime. All packed in a lightweight, robust housing - and with the extra-long strap, it even fits over a thick wetsuit.

Price499 Euro (without solar 399 Euro) >> at Sports cheque or Mountain friends available

Available in two sizes

Most read in category SUP