Upgrade 2024Boards from JP-Australia now with Torx screws

Stephan Gölnitz

 · 23.11.2023

Foot loop screw
Photo: Stephan Gölnitz
The 2024 boards from JP-Australia come with Torx screws - a significant improvement on the conventional Phillips screws.

Honour to whom honour is due: Starboard was the first to introduce solid Torx screws for the fin, loops and ventilation screw. But the Torx screw itself is not an invention, it is simply standard for all high-quality machine components. In this respect, this better screw is good for every board manufacturer. In particular, fins and footstraps can be tightened more easily and more firmly with the Torx head.


  • "Noodles" also wear out less with frequent use
  • Are better machine screwable (keyword cordless screwdriver)
  • Allow powerful torques
  • No need to press down when tightening


  • If you forget your tools, it will probably be more difficult to borrow one at the spot

Despite the joy of the upgrade, you should always bear in mind that you should not overtighten the screws when fitting the loops, because: The installed plugs are usually made of plastic, into which self-tapping screws are screwed during installation. If you overdo it and use too much force, you risk damaging the plugs. The corresponding screw hole will then no longer provide any hold. Therefore, tighten by hand until the loop no longer twists. With new boards, you should retighten slightly after the first session, as the footpads usually compress slightly and the screw loosens a little as a result.

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