CrossoverboardSlingshot Shred Sled V2 - new edition of the foil all-rounder

Stephan Gölnitz

 · 05.04.2023

Manoeuvre-oriented foils and camberless sails are best suited to the Slingshot Shred Sled.
Photo: Eric Duran/Slingshot
With the Shred Sled V2, Slingshot has revised its all-round fun board for windsurf foiling, wings and foil SUPs. The centrepiece is the long double rail.

The new Shred Sled from Slingshot has been available since the 2023 season. The revised concept is designed as a crossover board for windsurf foiling, wings and also as a foil SUP. The model will be available in two sizes - with a volume of 110 and 143 litres. With a length of 175 centimetres, the small version should be very compact from a windsurfing perspective, while the 143-litre version is significantly longer at 213 centimetres.

To accommodate the different foil positions for wingsurfing and windsurfing foiling, Slingshot wants to have installed a very long double rail in the underwater hull. The numerous footstrap plugs should also offer a suitable position for all sports. Despite the carrying handle, long box and numerous plugs, the Shred Sled V2 is said to weigh just 7.2 or 8.4 kilos, depending on the size, thanks to its carbon construction. The model is available for 1899 or 1999 euros. We have already ordered a test model and will be presenting the board to you again in a test report later this season.

Crossoverboards for waving, windfoiling and SUPing

Crossover boards that cover several disciplines are a source of controversy. Critics argue that a board that is supposed to work for windsurfing, wingsurfing and SUPing cannot be competitive in any single discipline. Supporters of crossover boards counter that if a board offers 70 per cent performance in three disciplines, it is a great thing all in all.

We have also extensively tested such concepts in the past - sometimes with very different results.
with sometimes very different results, which you can see under the Search term "Crossoverboards" you can read about it here. We also tested the predecessor Slingshot Shred Sled V1 some time ago. The biggest points of criticism - little room for foil mounting and too few footstrap plugs - should be resolved with the update.

What the surf test said about the predecessor Shred Sled V1

Apart from that, the impression of the predecessor in the test was consistently positive: "The board established itself as a very good base for getting into wing foiling, the first start is child's play. With the right slingshot foil, the board flew very stable and easy to control, even in very light winds. [...] Even with a sail, the set-up impressed with very early lift and incredibly long "flying through" wind holes or gybes even at the lowest speeds. [...] The Shred Sled is well trimmed for wing foiling and windsurf foiling and is well suited for beginners in both sports. Advanced riders can use it to cruise in light winds with a sail or wing and perform foiling manoeuvres." We will soon be testing whether these characteristics are also retained in the successor Shred Sled V2!

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